Lost in Space: Curbing the Orbital Debris Threat

By Lucy Birmingham Other private-sector players joining the space cleanup competition include California-based Global Aerospace Corporation. The company is now developing its Gossamer Orbit Lowering Device (GOLD), designed to de-orbit satellites and large orbital debris. The patented system uses an ultra-thin balloon “envelope” that attaches to debris and inflates with gas. The resulting atmospheric drag enables the ultralight balloon to lower the […]

The Future of Education Is Founded on AI, 3D Printing and NewSpace Tech

Engineering.com In the case of the orbital space debris mitigation and remediation ECE, the team will work with Nicola SarziAmadè and Global Aerospace Corporation to utilize the company’s Gossamer Orbit Lowering Device to deorbit debris in space.Zielinski described an ECE as “a place where a wide variety of groups of people with the same interest and different disciplines […]

Lost in Space: Curbing The Orbital Debris Threat

By Lucy Birmingham – The Journal Other private-sector players joining the space cleanup competition include California-based Global Aerospace Corporation. The company is now developing its Gossamer Orbit Lowering Device (GOLD), designed to de-orbit satellites and large orbital debris. The patented system uses an ultra-thin balloon “envelope” that attaches to debris and inflates with gas. The […]

Removing Orbital Debris with Less Risk

Deorbit concepts have been proposed for dealing with the growing problems posed by orbital debris. Most devices use large structures that interact with the atmosphere, magnetic field, or solar environment to deorbit large objects more rapidly than natural decay. Some devices may be better than others relative to the likelihood of collisions during their use. Current guidelines attempt […]